About Us

Western Regional Minority Supplier Development Council

What We Do

WRMSDC provides minority businesses with access to:

  • Buyers, bids and contracts
  • Business events (expos, seminars, matchmakers)
  • Education and trainings
  • Nationally-recognized ethnic minority business certification

We offer Corporate Members access to:

  • Certified minority suppliers in diverse industries
  • Supplier referrals
  • RFP & contract distribution outlets
  • Business events & private VIP events
  • Supplier Diversity program development

Who We Serve

Our Certified Minority Businesses are owned by:

Who we serve

Our National Corporate Members:

  • Top five industries: Health Care, Industrial Manufacturing, Consumer Discretionary, Finance, & Energy
  • Top five national locations: New York, Texas, Illinois, Michigan, California
  • Top five cities in the Western Region: San Francisco, Las Vegas, Oakland, San Jose, Palo Alto
  • Over 170 are Fortune 500 corporations
  • 20 spend over $1B annually with minority and women-owned businesses

Our History

WRMSDC was founded on September 9, 1977, almost 10 years after the Civil Rights Movement that sparked national awareness about racial discrimination and segregation in the United States.  Galvanized by the unequal treatment of minority-owned businesses, the Council began serving as advocates for impacted minority communities in Northern California, Nevada, and Hawaii.

Our Impact

We directly impact the employment, labor income, tax base, and economy in Northern California, Nevada, and Hawaii.  Every year, our minority businesses create over 760,000 jobs, generate over $11B in revenue, and contribute over $687.7M in taxes.  Our local Corporate Members spend over $3B with diverse suppliers, train over 300 minority businesses, and volunteer over 900 hours in support of minority businesses.  WRMSDC advocates for over 900 minority businesses, supports the Supplier Diversity efforts of over 460 Corporate Members nationally, and promotes minority business success in partnership with over 40 government agencies and community organizations.

Our Leadership

Our Board of Directors possesses over 30 years of executive leadership experience within procurement and supply management, strategic planning, Supplier Diversity, government contracting, and financial management. Our Board Chair Tanya Nixon has been a supporter with WRMSDC and our National office for over 15 years. Tanya has over 20 years executive level experience in the high tech, utility, legal and healthcare communities that support the council’s goals of creating total health and wealth within our minority communities.

Our Affiliations

WRMSDC is one of 23 affiliates of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC), a nonprofit corporate membership organization that advances business opportunities for its certified African-American, Asian Indian, Asian American/Asian Pacific Islander, Latino (and Afro-Brazilian), Native American, and Native Hawaiian business enterprises and connects them to its Corporate Members. One of the country’s leading corporate membership organizations, NMSDC was chartered in 1972 to provide increased procurement and business opportunities for minority businesses of all sizes.

23 Sister Councils

Fact Sheet